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In the urea cycle, citrulline is one of three dietary amino acids (the other two are L-arginine and L-ornithine). Citrulline promotes the ammonia recycling mechanism and nitric oxide metabolism by increasing plasma levels of ornithine and arginine. As a result, citrulline could be beneficial in instances where nitric oxide is important, like sports performance, vascular health, and erectile dysfunction. Watermelon is an exception to the rule, as it contains a significant amount of citrulline. Citrulline, an amino acid, is becoming more popular as a supplement for health and athletic performance.


Take 2,000 mg of citrulline three times a day with meals to supplement L-citrulline for circulatory health or to treat erectile dysfunction, for a total daily dose of 6,000 mg. However, L-citrulline does not have to be taken with food.

When using a citrulline malate supplement for circulatory health, take 1.76 g of citrulline malate for every 1 gramme of citrulline you regularly consume. Take 6,000–8,000 mg of citrulline malate about an hour before exercise to complement L-citrulline and improve sports performance. It can be divided into smaller dosages on days when you don’t exercise.


In the urea cycle, citrulline is one of three dietary amino acids (the other two are L-arginine and L-ornithine). Citrulline promotes the ammonia recycling mechanism and nitric oxide metabolism by increasing plasma levels of ornithine and arginine. As a result, citrulline could be beneficial in instances where nitric oxide is important, like sports performance, vascular health, and erectile dysfunction. Watermelon is an exception to the rule, as it contains a significant amount of citrulline. Citrulline, an amino acid, is becoming more popular as a supplement for health and athletic performance.


Take 2,000 mg of citrulline three times a day with meals to supplement L-citrulline for circulatory health or to treat erectile dysfunction, for a total daily dose of 6,000 mg. However, L-citrulline does not have to be taken with food.

When using a citrulline malate supplement for circulatory health, take 1.76 g of citrulline malate for every 1 gramme of citrulline you regularly consume. Take 6,000–8,000 mg of citrulline malate about an hour before exercise to complement L-citrulline and improve sports performance. It can be divided into smaller dosages on days when you don’t exercise.


Sickle Cell Disease

L-citrulline is expected to induce an increase in NO levels in the body, as well as L-arginine levels, and L-arginine supplementation may help to improve sickle cell anemia treatment.

Cardiovascular (Heart and Blood Vessel) Health

Adults with hypertension (high blood pressure) and those with pre-hypertension can get benefit from L-Citrullline supplementation.

Athletic Performance

The use of L-citrulline may help athletes perform better in high-intensity anaerobic exercises with short rest periods and decrease muscular discomfort afterward.

Erectile Dysfunction

L-citrulline is said to boost L-arginine, which in turn helps to elevate nitrogen oxide (NO) synthesis. L-arginine is said to promote heart health, but it is also important in erectile function.


  • L-citrulline is turned to L-arginine, which is then converted to the molecule nitric oxide.
  • L-citrulline may assist the body in obtaining the raw materials needed to produce specific proteins.
  • L-citrulline has the potential to be a vasodilator (a substance that widens the veins and arteries to help improve blood flow while lowering blood pressure).


Q. What is citrulline, and what does it do?

In the urea cycle, citrulline is one of three dietary amino acids (the other two are L-arginine and Lornithine). Citrulline promotes the ammonia recycling mechanism and nitric oxide metabolism by increasing plasma levels of ornithine and arginine.<br /> As a result, citrulline could be beneficial in instances where nitric oxide is important, like sports performance, vascular health, and erectile dysfunction.<br /> Watermelon is an exception to the rule, as it contains a significant amount of citrulline.

Q. Will you be able to maintain your muscle mass once you've stopped taking creatine?

Yes, you certainly will. Due to lower levels of water retention in your muscle tissue, you may experience a modest loss in weight and muscle volume, but your real muscle mass in terms of muscle fiber will remain when you stop taking creatine.

Q. How Much Should You Take?

Based on current research, a recommended dose is 3–6 grams per day of L-citrulline or approximately 8 grams per day of citrulline malate.<br /> The dose varies depending on form because 1.75 grams of citrulline malate provides 1 gram of L-citrulline. The remaining 0.75 grams are malate.

Q. What are the primary disadvantages of citrulline?

Although the long-term safety of high-dose citrulline supplementation requires more research, research to date suggests that it is well tolerated in most people. Citrulline, unlike arginine and ornithine, does not appear to cause gastrointestinal upset in high amounts.

Q. What are the primary advantages of citrulline?

A large body of evidence demonstrates that prolonged citrulline intake lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow, especially in people who have hypertension or other cardiovascular issues. Citrulline supplementation, both short- and long-term, has been shown to minimise fatigue, increase power production, and improve endurance in both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, according to limited study. More research on citrulline's possible impact on erectile dysfunction is needed, but preliminary evidence suggests a positive effect.

Q. Why Choose a 2:1 Citrulline Malate Ratio?

Citrulline Malate, which contains more malic acid than citrulline, is sold by some nutritional supplement companies. The quality of effects may be harmed as a result of this unbalanced ratio. Citrulline Malate with a two-to-one ratio is recommended, indicating twice the amount of Citrulline for every gramme of malate.

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